What To Expect When You Apply?

Our application process varies depending on which programme you are applying for. Candidates will be taken through a number of steps and it all starts by submitting your CV and completing an application. From there you will attend interviews, either virtual or face to face.

We aim for an inclusive work environment where everyone can reach their full potential. If you require any adjustments to our recruitment process please let us know. Examples of such adjustments might include supplying materials in large print or Braille or providing assistance to attend our assessment centres.

Preparing your CV

Begin your CV with a brief summary of your skills, accomplishments and career goals. Follow this with your employment history and work experience, starting with your most recent role. Include full details of your employers, dates of employment, job titles and responsibilities. Make sure you give examples of your skills and achievements, relating these to the role for which you are applying where possible.

Next, give details of the university, college or school you attended, your qualifications and grades and any work-related courses taken. Start with the most recent and work backwards, using bullet points or a table. Finally, mention any hobbies or interests that have a particular relevance to the role for which you are applying. Ensure your contact details are up to date and that the CV is no more than two pages long.


We may conduct an interview via live video, telephone or in-person which will last approximately 30-60 minutes depending on the role.

If you need adjustments prior to or during the interview, or don’t understand a question that is asked, please let the interviewer know.